About Us

We offer the ideas that raise your investment above the expected income.



Bitfolioinvest is one of the leading cryptocurrency mining companies founded in 2019. As you know, new bitcoins are mined per day and we make it simple and secure for you to earn mining rewards. We have advanced mining equipment, hash rates, nodes, ASIC and modern electricity power. If you want to earn passive rewards on cryptocurrency mining, we are a good choice for building your crypto portfolio.

Bitfolioinvest owns industrial facilities with a big tech park of professional Bitcoin mining rigs, data centers are located in Ireland, Canada, and Switzerland. We allow pool mining online using SHA-256 and SSL which protect the system. You can exit the cloud mining business at any moment on Bitfolioinvest and any deposit can be released after 24 hours with the lowest fee. We secure the vast majority of the digital assets in secure offline storage.

About our company

What We Do

Our company is serving users over 100 countries, with Bitfolioinvest you can join one of the leading crypto mining company.

What we do

The first half of 2024 key financial and operational highlights, the total revenue of $350.7 million for the six month period ended June 30, 2024. Earned $10.3 million in power curtailment credits for the same six month period. The average cost to mine Bitcoin for the six month period which ended June 30, 2024 was $23,596 per Bitcoin. Produced 7,398 Bitcoin during the same period as compared to 6,890 Bitcoin during the same six month period in 2023.

However, Bitfolioinvest is not limited to staking Ethereum on the blockchain technology, Staking Revenue of $108.5 million and Engineering revenue for $43 million for the six month period ended June 30, 2024. $860.8 million working in capital, including $504.9 million in cash all which were produced by the company’s self mining operations, as of June 30, 2024.